Continuing the subject of Turkish services, I think, that I have to write about Turkish hairdressing saloons, because their service is a little bit different from the Russian ones and I guess, European ones, too. Читать дальше →
It’s been almost 8 year since I moved to Turkey, but there are still many things to learn about it. And, as it seems that I know Alanya very well, I still keep on finding something new in here. Читать дальше →
Many foreigners, who live here permanently, often complain that there are no activities in wintertime, and that they are tired of the permanent vacation. Читать дальше →
Закон, согласно которому первая медицинская помощь российским туристам, попавшим в ДТП во время отдыха в Турции, будет оказываться за счет турецкого государства, независимо от наличия у туристов страхового полиса, вступил в силу накануне л... Читать дальше →
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